ATLAS Funding Agencies and Foundations

ATLAS gratefully acknowledges the continued strong support of its funding agencies. We are delighted to have such supportive partners for the multi-decade programme of physics at the LHC.

Funding Agencies
Foundations (contributing more than 100k CHF per year)
Foundations (contributing more than 20k CHF per year)

Contact: ATLAS Administration

Funding Agencies

Country Funding agency Acronym

Funding Agencies and Foundations

(contributing more than 100k CHF per year)

Groups and members have received support from the following funding agencies and foundations.
Country Foundation Acronym

Funding Agencies and Foundations

(contributing more than 20k CHF per year)

In addition, individual groups and members wish to acknowledge support from the following funding agencies and foundations.
Country Funding agency Acronym Citation Awarded

© 2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS Collaboration.